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- The Dark Half
- by Sarah Stegall
- copyright 1995 Sarah Stegall
- The Greek hero Theseus, just to show he could do it,
- boasted that he could steal the Queen of Hell out from under
- Hades' nose. Instead, he found himself stuck in a Chair of
- Oblivion, unable to move, helpless and aware, a proud man
- brought low by his own arrogance. I could not help but link
- the final image of Friday night's episode to this karmic fate,
- where the helpless Dr. Banton finds his worst nightmare coming
- true as the secret government he fears straps him into a chair
- to imprison his shadow, his very soul.
- In Friday night's episode, "Soft Light", Dana Scully
- responds to a call for help from a former student, and Mulder
- comes along to help. (The student, Lt. Kelly Ryan, is played
- by Kate Twa, whom we last saw as the "female" version of Marty
- in "Genderbender".) Lt. Ryan is investigating the
- disappearance of several missing persons; in every case, their
- last known location is marked by strange scorch marks. Mulder
- and Scully track down the man responsible for these
- disappearances: a physicist, Dr. Chester Banton, whose
- bungled experiment has turned his shadow into anti-matter.
- Its touch can "unzip electrons from their orbits" and reduce
- anyone it contacts into smoking embers in a flash of blue-
- white Promethean fire.
- "Soft Light", by newcomer Vince Gilligan, was so rich a
- vein of parable and allegory I could mine it for a week. This
- episode brings together many symbols--the story of Icarus, the
- mystical imagery of "dark matter", the foolhardy opening of
- Pandora's Box--but I'll stick to the most obvious, Carl Jung's
- concept of the "shadow self". The shadow self, or anima, is
- where we stash our fears, our anxieties, our destructive
- impulses. Far from being a "silent partner", it is an active
- part of the personality, reflecting our repressions into our
- dreams. In "Soft Light", this conflict detonates when a
- highly intellectualized man loses control of a fundamental
- part of himself, which becomes an independent and murderous
- shadow-twin. His flight from direct light is almost
- instinctive, a flight from self-revelation. He even goes
- through the classic denial phase: "My shadow...it isn't
- mine." Oh, but it is, and he cannot eschew his responsibility
- merely by saying, "I didn't mean it". "Soft Light" is built
- of the elements of classic tragedy: a proud man ruined by his
- own actions. After all, what kind of arrogant disregard for
- the laws of nature does it take to walk blithely into a
- particle accelerator already in countdown mode? It was this
- timeless theme of blind conceit and tardy regret that kept me
- watching even after the suspense dissolved in the second act.
- There are some rather serious structural flaws in this
- episode. The first is the violation of the cardinal rule of
- movin' pictures: show, don't tell. We do not see the lab
- accident that transformed Dr. Banton; instead, we get a lab
- tour conducted by his partner, Dr. Chris Davey (Kevin
- McNulty). This is a much less dramatically effective device,
- although the "punch line" of the scene, the shadow burned into
- the wall, gives us a nice little payoff. There are several
- instances where plausibility is sacrificed to melodrama: why
- on earth doesn't Banton *tell* people his shadow is dangerous?
- The Margaret Wyznecki storyline was a waste of time. There
- was never any explanation given of her connection other than
- the method of her death. We never even discover what Banton
- was doing at her house. The only reason I can see to include
- her is to give Mulder a way to discover the train ticket in
- the wastebasket, which leads him to the train station. This
- could have been accomplished without dragging in a red herring
- the size of Moby Dick. Tony Shalhoub's portrayal of the rather
- one-dimensional Dr. Banton was good as far as it went, but did
- not show us much expression or range.
- The question posed in the teaser is "What has happened to
- Dr. Chester Banton to turn his shadow into a deadly weapon?"
- This question gets answered fairly early, and no question of
- similar importance arises to keep the tension up. After
- Mulder and Scully discover what happened in the accelerator,
- the rest of the piece is a chase sequence interrupted by
- further illustrations of the shadow's lethal power. Only once
- does Mulder act, as opposed to reacting: when he figures out
- where the escaped Dr. Banton is heading. And before he and
- Scully can catch their quarry, we find that Dr. Banton has,
- indeed, crossed into the power of the dark side, as he kills
- Lt. Ryan rather than explain to her what he intends. After
- that, his fate is sealed and even the twist at the end cannot
- save him.
- The omniscient ending is another weakness we could have
- avoided. "The X-Files" rarely takes us away from Mulder and
- Scully's point of view; in this case, the audience winds up
- knowing more than Mulder and Scully. We are usually with the
- team every step of the way; we discover clues as they do. The
- ending of "Soft Light" took us farther than Mulder or Scully.
- Done too often, this kind of thing can breed contempt for the
- heroes in an audience. It's a mistake to let us get too far
- ahead of them.
- I applaud some stunning sequences: Mulder's lightning
- response in shooting out the lights to drown Banton's deadly
- shadow in darkness; the whole peephole conversation in the
- accelerator, which echoes the peephole in the opening teaser;
- the scene in the accelerator where we see the Davey 's body
- disappearing in a blink of electrons, leaving his companion
- shadow burned into the wall next to the shadow of the man he
- betrayed. Little touches stood out: Mulder's ultra-cool
- shades, the exchanges between Mulder and Scully, Scully's
- remarks on women surviving the boy's club. Mark Snow gave us
- what must be the best score we have had from him all season:
- lyrical, dynamic, and evocative.
- I have complained about Mr. X, the ubiquitous plot device
- whose presence, feeding Mulder information from the shadows,
- weakens Mulder as a character and dilutes his victories. But
- tonight Mr. X emerges as a complete character in his own
- right, and very satisfyingly. He is no longer just a pipeline
- for information, but an active mover of events. Steven
- Williams gave us some memorable reactions: when X forbears
- from shooting Banton, wondering, as we do, whether the
- "shadow" will escape when its anchor dies; his malevolent
- stare through the peephole of the accelerator; and finally,
- his ambiguous "I didn't kill him" to Mulder.
- The poignancy and the tragedy of this episode's final
- image evokes, as good tragedy always does, pity and fear:
- Banton is trapped forever in a seat in Hell he helped create.
- The tear that rolls down his cheek tells us that he is very
- well aware that he has become an instrument of death. Theseus
- was eventually rescued by Hercules, but I am afraid demigods
- are in short supply these days. This final image earns writer
- Gilligan and director John Contner extra marks for sheer
- pathos.
- Fewer plot holes, tighter structure, and better pacing
- would have made this a better episode. As it is, it's
- average. I give this one three sunflower seeds out of five.